
Here is a short guide to help join the fpl.social mastodon social network dedicated to FPL managers:

  • Mastodon is a decentralised social media platform that allows users to join different servers with different rules and communities.

  • fpl.social is a server that is focused on FPL, or Fantasy Premier League, a game where you create and manage a virtual football team.

  • To join fpl.social, you need to create an account on the server and follow the rules and guidelines of the community.

  • To create an account from the website, follow these steps:

    • Go to https://fpl.social

    • Select Create account

    • Fill out all the details and select Sign Up

    • Verify your email address

    • You’re in!

  • Once you have an account on fpl.social, you can start posting, following, and interacting with other FPL managers on the server.

  • You can also follow and interact with users from other Mastodon servers, as long as they are compatible with fpl.social’s rules and policies.

  • If you want to migrate to fpl.social from another Mastodon server, you can use the account migration feature to transfer your followers, following, and profile information to your new account on fpl.social.useful video here.

  • I hope this guide helps you join and enjoy the fpl.social mastodon social network. Have fun! 😊